Browsing by Author "B. Sombra, Antonio Sergio"

Browsing by Author "B. Sombra, Antonio Sergio"

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  • Zubar, Tatiana; Fedosyuk, Valery; Tishkevich, Daria; Kanafyev, Oleg; Astapovich, Ksenia; Kozlovskiy, Artem; Zdorovets, Maxim; Vinnik, Denis; Gudkova, Svetlana; Kaniukov, Egor; B. Sombra, Antonio Sergio; Zhou, Di; Jotania, Rajshree B.; Singh, Charanjeet; Trukhanov, Sergei; Trukhanov, Alex (Nanomaterials, 2020)
    Nanostructured NiFe film was obtained on silicon with a thin gold sublayer via pulsed electrodeposition and annealed at a temperature from 100 to 400 ◦C in order to study the effect of heat treatment on the surface ...

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