Browsing by Author "Bahtibayev, A."

Browsing by Author "Bahtibayev, A."

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  • Alimov, D.; Burtebayev, N.; Boztosun, I.; Kerimkulov, Z.; Burtebayeva, J.; Karakoc, M.; Mukhamejanov, Y.; Janseitov, D.; Bahtibayev, A.; Pattayev, A.; Hamada, Sh. (Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2018)
    Elastic scattering of 3He on 14N as an example of 1p-shell nuclei at 50 and 60 MeV has been investigated within the framework of Optical Model. In the Optical Model analysis, both microscopic double-folding and ...

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