Browsing by Author "Lakhno, Valerii"

Browsing by Author "Lakhno, Valerii"

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  • Sabitova, Nazym; Tikhonov, Yuriy; Lakhno, Valerii; Niyazova, Rosamgul; Razakhova, Bibigul; Zholdasova, Sholpan; Ospanova, Tleugaisha; Taimuratova, Lidiya (Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2023)
    The object of the research is the technology of constructing a computer ontology (CO) for electronic textbooks of the subject area (KSA). As an example, the industry is considered-information and communication technologies ...
  • Sabitova, Nazym; Tikhonov, Yuriy; Lakhno, Valerii; Niyazova, Rosamgul; Razakhova, Bibigul; Zholdasova, Sholpan; Ospanova, Tleugaisha; Taimuratova, Lidiya (Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2023-12)
    The object of the research is the technology of constructing a computer ontology (CO) for electronic textbooks of the subject area (KSA). As an example, the industry is consideredinformation and communication technologies ...
  • Sabitova, Nazym; Tikhonov, Yuriy; Lakhno, Valerii; Makulov, Kariyrbek; Kryvoruchko, Olena; Chubaievskyi, Vitalyi; Desiatko, Alona; Zhumadilova, Mereke (JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS, 2024)
    A methodology is proposed for modifying computer ontologies (CO) for electronic courses (EC) in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT) for universities, schools, extracurricular institutions, ...
  • Sabitova, Nazym; Tikhonov, Yuriy; Lakhno, Valerii; Makulov, Kariyrbek; Kryvoruchko, Olena; Chubaievskyi, Vitalyi; Desiatko, Alona; Zhumadilova, Mereke (JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS, 2024)
    A methodology is proposed for modifying computer ontologies (CO) for electronic courses (EC) in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT) for universities, schools, extracurricular institutions, as ...

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