Browsing by Author "Nadyrova, F K"

Browsing by Author "Nadyrova, F K"

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  • Nadyrova, F K; Zhanys, A B; Mubarakov, A M (IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2020)
    Modernization of education began to wear a permanent, permanent character in the modern world, since the dynamics of changes in the needs of individuals, society and the state for education is steadily growing. For ...
  • Nadyrova, F K; Zhanys, A B; Mubarakov, A M (IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2020)
    Modernization of education began to wear a permanent, permanent character in the modern world, since the dynamics of changes in the needs of individuals, society and the state for education is steadily growing. For ...

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