Browsing by Author "Naimanbay, Ainur"

Browsing by Author "Naimanbay, Ainur"

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  • Zhumay, Nurmira; Tazhibayeva, Saule; Shaldarbekova, Azhar; Jabasheva, Botagoz; Naimanbay, Ainur; Sandybayeva, Aigul (Social Inclusion, 2021)
    The article is devoted to the problem of multilingual education in modern Kazakhstan. Currently, Kazakhstan is fully modernising the education system and introducing a multilingualism policy in the educational process. ...
  • Zhumay, Nurmira; Tazhibayeva, Saule; Shaldarbekova, Azhar; Jabasheva, Botagoz; Naimanbay, Ainur; Sandybayeva, Aigul (Social Inclusion, 2021)
    The article is devoted to the problem of multilingual education in modern Kazakhstan. Currently, Kazakhstan is fully modernising the education system and introducing a multilingualism policy in the educational process. ...

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