Browsing by Author "Naizagarayeva, Akgul"

Browsing by Author "Naizagarayeva, Akgul"

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  • Naizagarayeva, Akgul; Abdikerimova, Gulzira; Shaikhanova, Aigul; Glazyrina, Natalya; Bekmagambetova, Gulmira; Mutovina, Natalya; Yerzhan, Assel; Tanirbergenov, Adilbek (International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2023)
    In the directions of modern medicine, a new area of processing and analysis of visual data is actively developing - a radio municipality - a computer technology that allows you to deeply analyze medical images, such ...
  • Naizagarayeva, Akgul; Abdikerimova, Gulzira; Shaikhanova, Aigul; Glazyrina, Natalya; Bekmagambetova, Gulmira; Mutovina, Natalya; Yerzhan, Assel; Tanirbergenov, Adilbek (International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2023)
    In the directions of modern medicine, a new area of processing and analysis of visual data is actively developing - a radio municipality - a computer technology that allows you to deeply analyze medical images, such ...

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