Browsing by Author "Sabidullina, Ademi"

Browsing by Author "Sabidullina, Ademi"

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  • Doszhan, Raigul; Nurmaganbetova, Azhar; Pukala, Ryszard; Yessenova, Gulmira; Omar, Serik; Sabidullina, Ademi (E3S Web of Conferences, 2020)
    Fintech, as they call companies that use the latest developments in the field of mobile payments, online lending, digital instant money transfers and other breakthrough technologies in building their business models. ...
  • Doszhan, Raigul; Nurmaganbetova, Azhar; Pukala, Ryszard; Yessenova, Gulmira; Omar, Serik; Sabidullina, Ademi (E3S Web of Conferences, 2020)
    Fintech, as they call companies that use the latest developments in the field of mobile payments, online lending, digital instant money transfers and other breakthrough technologies in building their business models. ...
  • Doszhan, Raigul; Nurmaganbetova, Azhar; Pukala, Ryszard; Yessenova, Gulmira; Omar, Serik; Sabidullina, Ademi (E3S Web of Conferences, 2020)
    Fintech, as they call companies that use the latest developments in the field of mobile payments, online lending, digital instant money transfers and other breakthrough technologies in building their business models. ...

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