Browsing by Author "Ualiyeva, Rimma Meyramovna"

Browsing by Author "Ualiyeva, Rimma Meyramovna"

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  • Ualiyeva, Rimma Meyramovna; Kaverina, Mariya Mikhailovna; Ivanko, Lyubov Nikolaevna; Zhangazin, Sayan Berikovich (OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences, 2023-06)
    The article is devoted to the study of spring wheat varieties cultivated in the steppe area of North-Eastern Kazakhstan and their resistance to the main pests. The dynamics of the number and phenology of spring wheat ...
  • Ualiyeva, Rimma Meyramovna; Kaverina, Mariya Mikhailovna; Ivanko, Lyubov Nikolaevna; Zhangazin, Sayan Berikovich (OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences, 2023-04)
    The article is devoted to the study of spring wheat varieties cultivated in the steppe area of North-Eastern Kazakhstan and their resistance to the main pests. The dynamics of the number and phenology of spring wheat ...
  • Ualiyeva, Rimma Meyramovna; Zhangazin, Sayan Berikovich; Altayeva, Indira Bulatovna (OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences, 2022)
    It is known that the class Trematoda includes exclusively parasitic forms of flatworms. In this regard, they have formed a variety of morphological and functional adaptations to a parasitic lifestyle. One of them is ...
  • Ualiyeva, Rimma Meyramovna; Zhangazin, Sayan Berikovich; Altayeva, Indira Bulatovna (OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences, 2021)
    It is known that the class Trematoda includes exclusively parasitic forms of flatworms. In this regard, they have formed a variety of morphological and functional adaptations to a parasitic lifestyle. One of them is ...

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