Browsing by Author "Xize, Jiang "

Browsing by Author "Xize, Jiang "

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  • Kargin, J. ; Santos Valladares, L. De Los ; Borja‑Castro, L. E. ; Xize, Jiang ;  Mukhambetov, D. G.; Konyukhov, Y. V. ; Moreno, N. O. ;  Bustamante Dominguez, A. G.; Barnes, C. H. W.  (Hyperfine Interactions, 2022)
    Every year, the steelmaking industry produces millions of tons of slags resulting in pollution to the environment. Among the waste, secondary metals and scales rich in iron oxides are also thrown away. There is a need ...
  • Kargin, J. ; Valladares, L. De Los Santos ; Borja‑Castro, L. E. ; Xize, Jiang ; Mukhambetov, D. G. ;  Konyukhov, Y. V.; Moreno, N. O. ; Bustamante Dominguez, A. G. ; Barnes, C. H. W.  (Hyperfine Interactions, 2022)
    Every year, the steelmaking industry produces millions of tons of slags resulting in pollution to the environment. Among the waste, secondary metals and scales rich in iron oxides are also thrown away. There is a need ...

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