Browsing by Subject "A Two-Parameter Elastic Foundation"

Browsing by Subject "A Two-Parameter Elastic Foundation"

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  • Akhazhanov, Sungat; Bostanov, Bayandy; Kaliyev, Adilbek; Akhazhanov, Talgat; Mergenbekova, Assel (International Journal of GEOMATE, 2023-11)
    When calculating beams lying on a solid elastic foundation, the simplest foundation model proposed by Winkler-Zimmerman is often used. This hypothesis has been repeatedly subjected to wellfounded criticism, because the ...
  • Akhazhanov, Sungat; Bostanov, Bayandy; Kaliyev, Adilbek; Akhazhanov, Talgat; Mergenbekova, Assel (GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites, 2023)
    When calculating beams lying on a solid elastic foundation, the simplest foundation model proposed by Winkler-Zimmerman is often used. This hypothesis has been repeatedly subjected to wellfounded criticism, because the ...
  • Akhazhanov, Sungat; Bostanov, Bayandy; Kaliyev, Adilbek; Akhazhanov, Talgat; Mergenbekova, Assel (International Journal of GEOMATE, 2023)
    When calculating beams lying on a solid elastic foundation, the simplest foundation model proposed by Winkler-Zimmerman is often used. This hypothesis has been repeatedly subjected to wellfounded criticism, because the ...

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