Browsing by Subject "XGBoost"

Browsing by Subject "XGBoost"

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  • Mukasheva, Manargul; Mukhiyadin, Ainur; Makhazhanova, Ulzhan; Serikbayeva, Sandugash (International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 2023)
    This study delves into the emerging opportunities and challenges arising from the integration of education and artificial intelligence in the unique backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic. Its primary objective is to develop ...
  • Mukasheva, Manargul; Mukhiyadin, Ainur; Makhazhanova, Ulzhan; Serikbayeva, Sandugash (International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 2023)
    This study delves into the emerging opportunities and challenges arising from the integration of education and artificial intelligence in the unique backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic. Its primary objective is to develop ...

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