Browsing by Subject "bacteria"

Browsing by Subject "bacteria"

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  • White, Anna E.; de-Dios, Toni; Carrión, Pablo; Bonora, Gian Luca; Llovera, Laia; Cilli, Elisabetta; Lizano, Esther; Khabdulina, Maral K.; Tleugabulov, Daniyar T.; Olalde, Iñigo; Marquès-Bonet, Tomàs; Balloux, François; Pettener, Davide; Dorp, Lucy van; Luiselli, Donata; Lalueza-Fox, Carles (Biology, 2021)
    The Asian Central Steppe, consisting of current-day Kazakhstan and Russia, has acted as a highway for major migrations throughout history. Therefore, describing the genetic composition of past populations in Central Asia ...
  • White, Anna E.; de-Dios, Toni; Carrión, Pablo; Bonora, Gian Luca; Llovera, Laia; Cilli, Elisabetta; Lizano, Esther; Khabdulina, Maral K.; Tleugabulov, Daniyar T.; Olalde, Iñigo; Marquès-Bonet, Tomàs; Balloux, François; Pettener, Davide; Dorp, Lucy van; Luiselli, Donata; Lalueza-Fox, Carles (Biology, 2021)
    The Asian Central Steppe, consisting of current-day Kazakhstan and Russia, has acted as a highway for major migrations throughout history. Therefore, describing the genetic composition of past populations in Central Asia ...
  • Iskakov, Ruslan Maratbekovich; Iskakova, Assel Maratbekovna; Issenov, Sultanbek Sansyzbaevich; Beisebekova, Dinara Maratbekovna; Khaimuldinova, Altyngul Kumashevna (Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology, 2019-03)
    The article is devoted to the study of the sterilization of waste materials and animal feed meal. It was revealed that at the last stage of waste processing of animal origin, as a result of fine grinding in the crusher, ...

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