Browsing by Subject "early acceleration"

Browsing by Subject "early acceleration"

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  • Oikonomou, Vasilis K.; Fronimos, Fotis P.; Razina, Olga; Tsyba, Pyotr (Symmetry, 2023)
    In this work, we studied the phase space of f(R) gravity in the presence of a misalignment axion, including parity violating Chern–Simons terms. We construct the autonomous dynamical system by using appropriate dimensionless ...
  • Oikonomou, Vasilis K.; Fronimos, Fotis P.; Razina, Olga; Tsyba, Pyotr (Symmetry, 2023)
    In this work, we studied the phase space of f(R) gravity in the presence of a misalignment axion, including parity violating Chern–Simons terms. We construct the autonomous dynamical system by using appropriate dimensionless ...
  • Oikonomou, Vasilis K.; Fronimos, Fotis P.; Razina, Olga; Tsyba, Pyotr (Symmetry, 2023)
    In this work, we studied the phase space of f(R) gravity in the presence of a misalignment axion, including parity violating Chern–Simons terms. We construct the autonomous dynamical system by using appropriate dimensionless ...
  • Oikonomou, Vasilis K.; Fronimos, Fotis P.; Razina, Olga; Tsyba, Pyotr (Symmetry, 2023)
    In this work, we studied the phase space of f(R) gravity in the presence of a misalignment axion, including parity violating Chern–Simons terms. We construct the autonomous dynamical system by using appropriate dimensionless ...

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