Browsing by Subject "hair"

Browsing by Subject "hair"

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  • Baikenova, Gulim E.; Baranovskaya, Natalia V.; Kakabaev, Anuarbek A.; Bersimbaev, Rakhmetkazhy I.; Korogod, Natalya P.; Narkovich, Dina V.; Kurovskaya, Vlada V. (Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University, Geo Assets Engineering, 2021)
    The relevance of the work is justified by the need to evaluate the environmental situation in the territories of uranium mining and other mining enterprises. Such region, with high morbidity and mortality of the population ...
  • Baikenova, Gulim E.; Baranovskaya, Natalia V.; Kakabaev, Anuarbek A.; Bersimbaev, Rakhmetkazhy I.; Korogod, Natalya P.; Narkovich, Dina V.; Kurovskaya, Vlada V. (Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University. Geo Аssets Engineering, 2021)
    The relevance of the work is justified by the need to evaluate the environmental situation in the territories of uranium mining and other mining enterprises. Such region, with high morbidity and mortality of the population ...

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