Browsing by Subject "k-essence"

Browsing by Subject "k-essence"

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  • Myrzakul, Shynaray; Myrzakulov, Ratbay; Sebastiani, Lorenzo (Astrophysics and Space Science, 2016)
    In this paper, we investigate a simple class of Horndeski models where the scalar field plays the role of a k-essence fluid. We present several solutions for earlytime universe, namely inflation and cosmological bounce, by ...
  • Myrzakulov, K.R.; Kenzhalin, D.Zh.; Myrzakul, T.R. (International Journal of Mathematics and Physics, 2021)
    The study of the origin and evolution of our Universe is one of the interesting and actual directions in modern physics and astrophysics. This paper considers the cosmological model of the Universe in the Einstein's ...

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