Browsing by Subject "ultrafiltration"

Browsing by Subject "ultrafiltration"

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  • Meiramkulova, Kulyash; Temirbekova, Aliya; Saspugayeva, Gulnur; Kydyrbekova, Assel; Devrishov, Davud; Tulegenova, Zhanar; Aubakirova, Karlygash; Kovalchuk, Nataliya; Meirbekov, Abdilda; Mkilima, Timoth (Sustainability, 2021)
    The efficiency of microbial inactivation in water is highly dependent on the type of treatment technology used as well as the characteristics of the water to be treated. Wastewater from poultry slaughterhouses carries a ...
  • Meiramkulova, Kulyash; Temirbekova, Aliya; Saspugayeva, Gulnur; Kydyrbekova, Assel; Devrishov, Davud; Tulegenova, Zhanar; Aubakirova, Karlygash; Kovalchuk, Nataliya; Meirbekov, Abdilda; Mkilima, Timoth (Sustainability, 2021)
    The efficiency of microbial inactivation in water is highly dependent on the type of treatment technology used as well as the characteristics of the water to be treated. Wastewater from poultry slaughterhouses carries a ...
  • Meiramkulova, Kulyash; Temirbekova, Aliya; Saspugayeva, Gulnur; Kydyrbekova, Assel; Devrishov, Davud; Tulegenova, Zhanar; Aubakirova, Karlygash; Kovalchuk, Nataliya; Meirbekov, Abdilda; Mkilima, Timoth (Sustainability, 2021)
    The efficiency of microbial inactivation in water is highly dependent on the type of treatment technology used as well as the characteristics of the water to be treated. Wastewater from poultry slaughterhouses carries a ...
  • Meiramkulova, Kulyash; Temirbekova, Aliya; Saspugayeva, Gulnur; Kydyrbekova, Assel; Devrishov, Davud; Tulegenova, Zhanar; Aubakirova, Karlygash; Kovalchuk, Nataliya; Meirbekov, Abdilda; Mkilima, Timoth (Sustainability, 2021)
    The efficiency of microbial inactivation in water is highly dependent on the type of treatment technology used as well as the characteristics of the water to be treated. Wastewater from poultry slaughterhouses carries a ...
  • Meiramkulova, Kulyash; Zhumagulov, Mikhail; Saspugayeva, Gulnur; Jakupova, Zhanar; Mussimkhan, Maral (Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences, 2019)
    With the interest to reuse and recycle the wastewater for technological use, this project aims to test the treatment of wastewater from poultry slaughterhouse industry from three main sections of the poultry slaughtering ...

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