Просмотр по автору "Jalmakhanbetova, Roza I."

Просмотр по автору "Jalmakhanbetova, Roza I."

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  • Mukusheva, Gulim K.; Jalmakhanbetova, Roza I.; Shaibek, Altynay Zh.; Nurmaganbetova, Manshuk S.; Zhasymbekova, Aigerym R.; Nurkenov, Oralgazy A.; Akishina, Ekaterina A.; Kolesnik, Irina A.; Dikusar, Evgenij A.; Terpinskaya, Tatiana I.; Kulchitsky, Vladimir A.; Potkin, Vladimir I.; Pushkarchuk, Alexander L.; Lyakhov, Dmitry A.; Michels, Dominik L. (Molecules, 2024)
    Alkaloid-based urea derivatives were produced with high yield through the reaction of anabasine and cytisine with isoxazolylphenylcarbamates in boiling benzene. Their antitumor activity, in combination with the commonly ...
  • Mukusheva, Gulim K.; Jalmakhanbetova, Roza I.; Shaibek, Altynay Zh.; Nurmaganbetova, Manshuk S.; Zhasymbekova, Aigerym R.; Nurkenov, Oralgazy A.; Akishina, Ekaterina A.; Kolesnik, Irina A.; Dikusar, Evgenij A.; Terpinskaya, Tatiana I.; Kulchitsky, Vladimir A.; Potkin, Vladimir I.; Pushkarchuk, Alexander L.; Lyakhov, Dmitry A.; Michels, Dominik L. (Molecules, 2024)
    Alkaloid-based urea derivatives were produced with high yield through the reaction of anabasine and cytisine with isoxazolylphenylcarbamates in boiling benzene. Their antitumor activity, in combination with the commonly ...
  • Jalmakhanbetova, Roza I.; Suleimen, Yerlan M.; Oyama, Masayoshi; Elkaeed, Eslam B.; Eissa, Ibrahim. H.; Suleimen, Raigul N.; Metwaly, Ahmed M.; Ishmuratova, Margarita Yu. (Journal of Chemistry, 2021)
    /e emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic declared the huge need of humanity for new and effective antiviral drugs. /e reported antimicrobial activities of Artemisia sublessingiana encouraged us to investigate the ethanol ...
  • Jalmakhanbetova, Roza I.; Mukusheva, Gulim K.; Abdugalimov, Alisher Sh.; Zhumagalieva, Zharkyn Zh.; Dehaen, Wim; Anthonissen, Stijn; Suleimen, Yerlan M.; Seidakhmetova, Roza B. (Molecules, 2024)
    The results of this study showed that the compounds synthesized by the authors have significant potential due to their antibacterial and cytotoxic properties. The apparent antibacterial activity demonstrated by the ...