Просмотр по автору "Ladanenko, Elena"

Просмотр по автору "Ladanenko, Elena"

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  • Orazbayev, Batyr; Utebaeyeva, Zheniskul; Abayeva, Gulder; Bozshaguiova, Saule; Ladanenko, Elena; Izbassarova, Liza (E3S Web of Conferences, 2023)
    The issues of managing the sustainable development of an enterprise in the context of digitalization have been studied. The digitalization process is interpreted as a tool for transforming the enterprise at the levels ...
  • Orazbayev, Batyr; Utebaeyeva, Zheniskul; Abayeva, Gulder; Bozshaguiova, Saule; Ladanenko, Elena; Izbassarova, Liza (E3S Web of Conferences, 2023)
    The issues of managing the sustainable development of an enterprise in the context of digitalization have been studied. The digitalization process is interpreted as a tool for transforming the enterprise at the levels ...