Просмотр по автору "Wang, Anzhong"

Просмотр по автору "Wang, Anzhong"

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  • Shahalam, M.; Pathak, S. D.; Li, Shiyuan; Myrzakulov, R.; Wang, Anzhong (Eurasian Physical Technical Journal C, 2017)
    In this paper, we apply the dynamical analysis to a coupled phantom field with scaling potential taking particular forms of the coupling (linear and combination of linear), and present phase space analysis. We investigate ...
  • Shahalam, M.; Yang, Weiqiang; Myrzakulov, R.; Wang, Anzhong (Eurasian Physical Technical Journal C, 2017)
    In this letter, we study the cosmological dynamics of steeper potential than exponential. Our analysis shows that a simple extension of an exponential potential allows to capture late-time cosmic acceleration and retain ...