Просмотр по автору "Wendt, Jan Andrzej"

Просмотр по автору "Wendt, Jan Andrzej"

Отсортировать по:Порядку:Результатам:

  • Ilies, Dorina Camelia; Marcu, Florin; Caciora, Tudor; Indrie, Liliana; Ilies, Alexandru; Albu, Adina; Costea, Monica; Burtă, Ligia; Baias, Stefan; Ilies, Marin; Sandor, Mircea; Herman, Grigore Vasile; Hodor, Nicolaie; Ilies, Gabriela; Berdenov, Zharas; Huniadi, Anca; Wendt, Jan Andrzej (Atmosphere, 2021)
    Poor air quality inside museums is one of the main causes influencing the state of conservation of exhibits. Even if they are mostly placed in a controlled environment because of their construction materials, the exhibits ...
  • Ilies, Dorina Camelia; Caciora, Tudor; Ilies, Alexandru; Berdenov, Zharas; Hossain, Mallik Akram; Grama, Vasile; Dahal, Ranjan Kumar; Zdrinca, Mihaela; Hassan, Thowayeb H.; Herman, Grigore Vasile; Wendt, Jan Andrzej; Dejeu, Paula (Buildings, 2023)
    Problems in the degradation and biodegradation of cultural heritage objects exposed or stored in public buildings and museums and of construction materials are caused (between others) by the activity of microorganisms. ...