Просмотр по теме "Damper Tuning"

Просмотр по теме "Damper Tuning"

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  • Omarov, Abdulla R.; Kuderin, Marat; Zhussupbekov, Askar; Kaliakin, Victor N.; Iskakov, Sultan (International Journal of GEOMATE, 2021-09)
    The construction of unique structures is complicated by the fact that codes and standards do not exactly apply to such structures. This paper presents an overview of the analysis, design, wind tunnel testing and field ...
  • Omarov, Abdulla R.; Kuderin, Marat; Zhussupbekov, Askar; Kaliakin, Victor N.; Iskakov, Sultan (International Journal of GEOMATE, 2021)
    The construction of unique structures is complicated by the fact that codes and standards do not exactly apply to such structures. This paper presents an overview of the analysis, design, wind tunnel testing and field ...
  • Omarov, Abdulla R.; Kuderin, Marat; Zhussupbekov, Askar; Kaliakin, Victor N.; Iskakov, Sultan (International Journal of GEOMATE, 2021)
    The construction of unique structures is complicated by the fact that codes and standards do not exactly apply to such structures. This paper presents an overview of the analysis, design, wind tunnel testing and field ...