Просмотр по теме "Sacral values"

Просмотр по теме "Sacral values"

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  • Askhat, Amen; Raimkulova, Aktoty; Doszhan, Raikhan; Sarkulova, Manifa; Auyelbekova, Akmarzhan (XLinguae, 2020)
    The interest in the sacred problem, clearly felt throughout the centuries, was caused by those socio-historical processes called social disasters, which raised the question of the very possibility of the existence of modern ...
  • Askhat, Amen; Raimkulova, Aktoty; Doszhan, Raikhan; Sarkulova, Manifa; Auyelbekova, Akmarzhan (XLinguae, 2020)
    The interest in the sacred problem, clearly felt throughout the centuries, was caused by those socio-historical processes called social disasters, which raised the question of the very possibility of the existence of modern ...