Просмотр по теме "naming"

Просмотр по теме "naming"

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  • Chulakova, Ziyada Utemisovna; Zhuravleva, Yevgeniya Aleksandrovna; Samsenova, Gulzhan Serikbayevna (Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 2024)
    The current research considers the basics of the formation of brand names from linguistic and extralinguistic aspects. The material of the study was the brand names of Kazakh manufacturers. The interpretation of the ...
  • Chulakova, Ziyada Utemisovna; Zhuravleva, Yevgeniya Aleksandrovna; Samsenova, Gulzhan Serikbayevna (Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 2024-03-29)
    The current research considers the basics of the formation of brand names from linguistic and extralinguistic aspects. The material of the study was the brand names of Kazakh manufacturers. The interpretation of the term ...