Просмотр по теме "radar systems"

Просмотр по теме "radar systems"

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  • Oralbekova, Zhanar O.; Tyulepberdinova, Gulnur A.; Gaziz, Gulnur G.; Adamova, Aigul D.; Sholpanbaev, Bakytgerey B. (Journal of Applied Engineering Science, 2021)
    Hydraulic structures are designed in a standard way if it is necessary to regulate the water course and maintain the volume of irrigation. The obstacles to the construction of such structures are mainly technical and ...
  • Oralbekova, Zhanar O.; Tyulepberdinova, Gulnur A.; Gaziz, Gulnur G.; Adamova, Aigul D.; Sholpanbaev, Bakytgerey B. (JOURNAL OF APPLIED ENGINEERING SCIENCE, 2021)
    Hydraulic structures are designed in a standard way if it is necessary to regulate the water course and maintain the volume of irrigation. The obstacles to the construction of such structures are mainly technical and ...