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  • Бейсенбi, М.А.; Мусабаева, Ш.С.; Сатпаева, А.К.; Кисикова, Н.М. (ЕНУ им. Л.Н. Гумилева, 2019)
    Мақалада, m кiрiстерi және n шығыстары бар жүйелер үшiн апаттық теориясынан гиперболикалық омбилика апатының сыныбындағы бейсызықты объектiлердiң детерминделген бейберекетсiз режимдерiмен басқару жүйесiн құру әдiсi ...
  • Кемеңгер, Қ.Р.; Ділдә, Ж.Р. (ЕНУ им. Л.Н. Гумилева, 2019)
    Мақалада көрнекті әдебиеттанушы ғалым, филология ғылымдарының докторы, профессор, Мемлекеттік сыйлықтың иегері Мекемтас Мырзахметұлының зерттеулеріндегі Бауыржан Момышұлы тұлғасы қарастырылады. Ғалымның «Бауыржан батыр» ...
  • Kazhmaganbetova, Zarina; Imangaliyev, Shnar; Sharipbay, Altynbek (International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 2018)
    The objective of the work that is presented in this paper was the problem of the communication optimization and detection of the issues of computing resources performance degradation [1, 2] with the usage of machine ...
  • Kazhmaganbetova, Zarina; Imangaliyev, Shnar; Sharipbay, Altynbek (International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 2018)
    The objective of the work that is presented in this paper was the problem of the communication optimization and detection of the issues of computing resources performance degradation [1, 2] with the usage of machine ...
  • Kazhmaganbetova, Zarina; Imangaliyev, Shnar; Sharipbay, Altynbek (International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 2018)
    The objective of the work that is presented in this paper was the problem of the communication optimization and detection of the issues of computing resources performance degradation [1, 2] with the usage of machine ...
  • Kazhmaganbetova, Zarina; Imangaliyev, Shnar; Sharipbay, Altynbek (International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 2018)
    The objective of the work that is presented in this paper was the problem of the communication optimization and detection of the issues of computing resources performance degradation [1, 2] with the usage of machine ...
  • Kazhmaganbetova, Zarina; Imangaliyev, Shnar; Sharipbay, Altynbek (International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 2018)
    The objective of the work that is presented in this paper was the problem of the communication optimization and detection of the issues of computing resources performance degradation [1, 2] with the usage of machine ...
  • Dauletov, Akadil Ayboluly (L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University, 2022-04-12)
  • Čarský, J.; Arpabekov, M. I.; Dauletov, A.A. (L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University, 2022)
  • Inerbaev, T.M.; Abuova, A.U.; Dauletbekova, A.K.; Abuova, F.U.; Kaptagay, G.A.; Zakieva, Zh.; Eltizarova, M.; Barakov, A. (2021)
    The magnetic anisotropy energy and the stability of crystal modifications of D03 and L21 of Fe3Ga compounds are studied with the density functional theory methods. The magnetic anisotropy energy of the D03 structure is ...
  • Inerbaev, T.M.; Abuova, A.U.; Dauletbekova, A.K.; Abuova, F.U.; Kaptagay, G.A.; Zakieva, Zh.; Eltizarova, M.; Barakov, A. (Eurasian Journal of Physics and Functional Materials, 2021)
    The magnetic anisotropy energy and the stability of crystal modifications of D03 and L21 of Fe3Ga compounds are studied with the density functional theory methods. The magnetic anisotropy energy of the D03 structure is ...
  • Inerbaev, T.M.; Abuova, A.U.; Dauletbekova, A.K.; Abuova, F.U.; Kaptagay, G.A.; Zakieva, Zh.; Eltizarova, M.; Barakov, A. (Eurasian Journal of Physics and Functional Materials, 2021)
    The magnetic anisotropy energy and the stability of crystal modifications of D03 and L21 of Fe3Ga compounds are studied with the density functional theory methods. The magnetic anisotropy energy of the D03 structure is ...
  • Fatima; Inerbaev, Talgat; Xia, Wenjie; Kilin, Dmitri S. (Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2021-05)
    Graphene exhibits unique optoelectronic properties originating from the band structure at the Dirac points. It is an ideal model structure to study the electronic and optical properties under the influence of the applied ...
  • Fatima; Inerbaev, Talgat; Xia, Wenjie; Kilin, Dmitri S. (Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2021)
    Graphene exhibits unique optoelectronic properties originating from the band structure at the Dirac points. It is an ideal model structure to study the electronic and optical properties under the influence of the applied ...
  • Tishkevich, Daria; Vorobjova, Alla; Shimanovich, Dmitry; Kaniukov, Egor; Kozlovskiy, Artem; Zdorovets, Maxim; Vinnik, Denis; Turutin, Andrei; Kubasov, Ilya; Kislyuk, Alexander; Dong, Mengge; Sayyed, M. I.; Zubar, Tatiana; Trukhanov, Alex (Nanomaterials, 2021)
    High-quality and compact arrays of Ni nanowires with a high ratio (up to 700) were obtained by DC electrochemical deposition into porous anodic alumina membranes with a distance between pores equal to 105 nm. The nanowire ...
  • Tishkevich, Daria; Vorobjova, Alla; Shimanovich, Dmitry; Kaniukov, Egor; Kozlovskiy, Artem; Zdorovets, Maxim; Vinnik, Denis; Turutin, Andrei; Kubasov, Ilya; Kislyuk, Alexander; Dong, Mengge; Sayyed, M. I.; Zubar, Tatiana; Trukhanov, Alex (Nanomaterials, 2021)
  • Katpenova, Assel (L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University, 2023)
    In this article, the author highlights the main aspects that determine the need for regional collaboration of the Republic of Uzbekistan to enhance interaction, to develop timely initiatives and new approaches to solve ...
  • Ischuka, Oksana; Lomotko, Denis; Freimane, Julija; Sansyzbajeva, Zura (Procedia Computer Science, 2019)
    The article is devoted to comparison of the existing and improved method of calculating the idle time of cars at technical stations. The positive and negative sides of that method are considered. In the analysis result, ...
  • Serikbaev, Anuar Ersinovich (L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University, 2022-04-12)
  • Oralov, A.R.; Maratov, I.A. (L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University, 2023)
    This article will analyze an EU digital policy and its cooperation with other countries. As we can see today, digitalization has a huge impact on every sphere of people’s and state’s lives, and its closely intertwined ...

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