Просмотр по автору "Baias, Stefan"

Просмотр по автору "Baias, Stefan"

Отсортировать по:Порядку:Результатам:

  • Ilies, Dorina Camelia; Marcu, Florin; Caciora, Tudor; Indrie, Liliana; Ilies, Alexandru; Albu, Adina; Costea, Monica; Burtă, Ligia; Baias, Stefan; Ilies, Marin; Sandor, Mircea; Herman, Grigore Vasile; Hodor, Nicolaie; Ilies, Gabriela; Berdenov, Zharas; Huniadi, Anca; Wendt, Jan Andrzej (Atmosphere, 2021)
    Poor air quality inside museums is one of the main causes influencing the state of conservation of exhibits. Even if they are mostly placed in a controlled environment because of their construction materials, the exhibits ...