Просмотр по автору "Ibragimova, M.A."

Просмотр по автору "Ibragimova, M.A."

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  • Kaniukova, E.Yu; Shumskaya, A.E.; Kutuzau, M.D.; Bundyukova, V.D.; Yakimchuka, D.V.; Borgekov, D.B.; Ibragimova, M.A.; Korolkov, I.V.; Giniyatova, ShG.; Kozlovskiy, A.L.; Zdorovets, M.V. (Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2019)
    Stability of nanomaterials during their life cycle is a crucial problem of modern nanoscience. In order to understand the processes, which are going in the nanostructures, the comprehensive study of the influence of ...