Просмотр по автору "Oikonomou, Vasilis K."

Просмотр по автору "Oikonomou, Vasilis K."

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  • Oikonomou, Vasilis K.; Fronimos, Fotis P.; Razina, Olga; Tsyba, Pyotr (Symmetry, 2023)
    In this work, we studied the phase space of f(R) gravity in the presence of a misalignment axion, including parity violating Chern–Simons terms. We construct the autonomous dynamical system by using appropriate dimensionless ...
  • Oikonomou, Vasilis K.; Fronimos, Fotis P.; Razina, Olga; Tsyba, Pyotr (Symmetry, 2023)
    In this work, we studied the phase space of f(R) gravity in the presence of a misalignment axion, including parity violating Chern–Simons terms. We construct the autonomous dynamical system by using appropriate dimensionless ...
  • Oikonomou, Vasilis K.; Fronimos, Fotis P.; Razina, Olga; Tsyba, Pyotr (Symmetry, 2023)
  • Oikonomou, Vasilis K.; Fronimos, Fotis P.; Razina, Olga; Tsyba, Pyotr (Symmetry, 2023)
    In this work, we studied the phase space of f(R) gravity in the presence of a misalignment axion, including parity violating Chern–Simons terms. We construct the autonomous dynamical system by using appropriate dimensionless ...
  • Oikonomou, Vasilis K.; Fronimos, Fotis P.; Razina, Olga; Tsyba, Pyotr (Symmetry, 2023)
    In this work, we studied the phase space of f(R) gravity in the presence of a misalignment axion, including parity violating Chern–Simons terms. We construct the autonomous dynamical system by using appropriate dimensionless ...
  • Odintsov, Sergei D.; Oikonomou, Vasilis K.; Myrzakulov, Ratbay (Symmetry, 2022)
    In this work, we shall exhaustively study the effects of modified gravity on the energy spectrum of the primordial gravitational waves background. S. Weinberg has also produced significant works related to the primordial ...
  • Odintsov, Sergei D.; Oikonomou, Vasilis K.; Myrzakulov, Ratbay (Symmetry, 2022)
    In this work, we shall exhaustively study the effects of modified gravity on the energy spectrum of the primordial gravitational waves background. S. Weinberg has also produced significant works related to the primordial ...
  • Odintsov, Sergei D.; Oikonomou, Vasilis K.; Myrzakulov, Ratbay (Symmetry, 2022)
    In this work, we shall exhaustively study the effects of modified gravity on the energy spectrum of the primordial gravitational waves background. S. Weinberg has also produced significant works related to the primordial ...
  • Odintsov, Sergei D.; Oikonomou, Vasilis K.; Myrzakulov, Ratbay (Symmetry, 2022)