Просмотр по автору "Panaedova, Galina"

Просмотр по автору "Panaedova, Galina"

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  • Borodin, Alex; Zholamanova, Makpal; Panaedova, Galina; Frumina, Svetlana (E3S Web of Conferences, 2020)
    Over the past few years, the Russian telecommunications market has shown one of the highest growth rates in the country. According to RBC media holding, which, in turn, refers to the independent consulting Agency TMT ...
  • Borodin, Alex; Zholamanova, Makpal; Panaedova, Galina; Frumina, Svetlana (E3S Web of Conferences, 2020)
    Over the past few years, the Russian telecommunications market has shown one of the highest growth rates in the country. According to RBC media holding, which, in turn, refers to the independent consulting Agency TMT ...
  • Borodin, Alex; Zholamanova, Makpal; Panaedova, Galina; Frumina, Svetlana (E3S Web of Conferences, 2020)
    Over the past few years, the Russian telecommunications market has shown one of the highest growth rates in the country. According to RBC media holding, which, in turn, refers to the independent consulting Agency TMT ...
  • Bondarenko, Tatiana; Borodin, Alex; Zholamanova, Makpal; Panaedova, Galina; Belyanchikova, Tatiana; Gurieva, Lira (ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND SUSTAINABILITY ISSUES, 2020)
    The article focuses on the dynamics and structure of fixed investments in the Russian Federation in the period of 2011-2019, analyses both the destabilizing factors, and those, having beneficial impact on the use of a ...
  • Bondarenko, Tatiana; Borodin, Alex; Zholamanova, Makpal; Panaedova, Galina; Belyanchikova, Tatiana; Gurieva, Lira (Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues, 2020-03)
    The article focuses on the dynamics and structure of fixed investments in the Russian Federation in the period of 2011-2019, analyses both the destabilizing factors, and those, having beneficial impact on the use of a wide ...