Просмотр по автору "Pankov, Dmitry"

Просмотр по автору "Pankov, Dmitry"

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  • Alikulova, Laura; Spatayeva, Saule; Pankov, Dmitry; Sembiyeva, Lyazzat (Public Policy and Administration, 2021)
    This study is necessitated by a detailed analysis of the types of audit, in particular, the performance audit of the quasi-public sector. The purpose of this study was to investigate one of the most effective mechanisms ...
  • Alikulova, Laura; Spatayeva, Saule; Pankov, Dmitry; Sembiyeva, Lyazzat (VIEŠOJI POLITIKA IR ADMINISTRAVIMAS, 2021)
    This study is necessitated by a detailed analysis of the types of audit, in particular, the performance audit of the quasi-public sector. The purpose of this study was to investigate one of the most effective mechanisms ...