Просмотр по автору "ZABIEVA, Aliya Batyrbekovna"

Просмотр по автору "ZABIEVA, Aliya Batyrbekovna"

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  • KUSHALIEV, Dauren Kaysarovich; ZABIEVA, Aliya Batyrbekovna; BALGYNOVA, Akzharkyn Merekeevna; BURDZIK, Rafal; ALIPBAEV, Zhasulan Ratkanovich (DIAGNOSTYKA, 2024)
    The article presents the transmission of a truck, where innovative repair kits of the driveshaft crosspiece are used. The crosspiece is an element of the transmission, and transmits all the torque from the gearbox to the ...
  • KUSHALIEV, Dauren Kaysarovich; ZABIEVA, Aliya Batyrbekovna; BALGYNOVA, Akzharkyn Merekeevna; BURDZIK, Rafał; ALIPBAEV, Zhasulan Ratkanovich (DIAGNOSTYKA, 2024)
    The article presents the transmission of a truck, where innovative repair kits of the driveshaft crosspiece are used. The crosspiece is an element of the transmission, and transmits all the torque from the gearbox to ...