Просмотр по автору "Zagidullina, Aliya"

Просмотр по автору "Zagidullina, Aliya"

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  • Duisekova, Kulyash; Issabekova, Saule; Zagidullina, Aliya; Beysembayeva, Gulshat; Bakitov, Aitkali; Ziak, Peter (XLinguae, 2021)
    At the present stage of development of linguistic science and in context of global trends towards constant cooperation in various fields and spheres of activity, there is a need for comparative typological studies aimed ...
  • Duisekova, Kulyash; Issabekova, Saule; Zagidullina, Aliya; Beysembayeva, Gulshat; Bakitov, Aitkali; Ziak, Peter (XLinguae, 2021)
    At the present stage of development of linguistic science and in context of global trends towards constant cooperation in various fields and spheres of activity, there is a need for comparative typological studies aimed ...