Просмотр по теме "R&D"

Просмотр по теме "R&D"

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  • Mugayeva, R.; Ryspekova, M.O.; Uchkampirova, A.B.; Nurpeissova, A.Kh. (L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University, 2020)
    The article considers the main factors influencing the current state, trends of the innovative development of Kazakhstan. The authors have studied the various approaches to the innovative development models of foreign ...
  • Tulembayev, Alizhan; Jumadilova, Shynara; Adilova, Aliya; Seidaliyeva, Dina (Problems and Perspectives in Management, 2019)
    Currently, active work is underway to introduce a project-based approach to the management of new product production processes. However, even if the need to implement project management is undeniable, the question arises ...
  • Tulembayev, Alizhan; Jumadilova, Shynara; Adilova, Aliya; Seidaliyeva, Dina (Problems and Perspectives in Management, 2019)
    Currently, active work is underway to introduce a project-based approach to the management of new product production processes. However, even if the need to implement project management is undeniable, the question arises ...