Просмотр по теме "Radiation damage"

Просмотр по теме "Radiation damage"

Отсортировать по:Порядку:Результатам:

  • Abdullaev, Azat; Sekerbayev, Kairolla; Rymzhanov, Ruslan; Skuratov, Vladimir; Connell, Jacques O; Shukirgaliyev, Bekdaulet; Kozlovskiy, Artem; Wang, Yanwei; Utegulov, Zhandos (Materials Research Bulletin, 2024)
    Near-surface nanoscale thermal conductivity (k) variation of ion-irradiated single-crystalline ZnO was studied by time-domain thermoreflectance. ZnO was irradiated by 710 MeV Bi swift heavy ions (SHI) in the 1010–1013 ...
  • Abdullaev, Azat; Sekerbayev, Kairolla; Rymzhanov, Ruslan; Skuratov, Vladimir; Connell, Jacques O; Shukirgaliyev, Bekdaulet; Kozlovskiy, Artem; Wang, Yanwei; Utegulov, Zhandos (Materials Research Bulletin, 2024)
    Near-surface nanoscale thermal conductivity (k) variation of ion-irradiated single-crystalline ZnO was studied by time-domain thermoreflectance. ZnO was irradiated by 710 MeV Bi swift heavy ions (SHI) in the 1010–1013 ...
  • Abdullaev, Azat; Sekerbayev, Kairolla; Rymzhanov, Ruslan; Skuratov, Vladimir; Connell, Jacques O; Shukirgaliyev, Bekdaulet; Kozlovskiy, Artem; Wang, Yanwei; Utegulov, Zhandos (Materials Research Bulletin, 2024)
    Near-surface nanoscale thermal conductivity (k) variation of ion-irradiated single-crystalline ZnO was studied by time-domain thermoreflectance. ZnO was irradiated by 710 MeV Bi swift heavy ions (SHI) in the 1010–1013 ...
  • Aralbayeva, G.M.; Manika, I.; Karipbayev, Zh.; Suchikova, Y.; Kovachov, S.; Sugak, D.; Popov, A.I. (JOURNAL OF NANO- AND ELECTRONIC PHYSICS, 2023)
    This study investigated the optical absorption and mechanical behavior of Gd3Ga5O12 (GGG) single crystals exposed to fast 84 Kr ions at fluences ranging from 1013 to 1014 ion/cm2. We observed that the optical absorption ...
  • Aralbayeva, G.M.; Manika, I.; Karipbayev, Zh.; Suchikova, Y.; Kovachov, S.; Sugak, D.; Popov, A.I. (JOURNAL OF NANO- AND ELECTRONIC PHYSICS, 2023)
    This study investigated the optical absorption and mechanical behavior of Gd3Ga5O12 (GGG) single crystals exposed to fast 84 Kr ions at fluences ranging from 1013 to 1014 ion/cm2. We observed that the optical absorption ...
  • Aralbayeva, G.M.; Manika, I.; Karipbayev, Zh.; Suchikova, Y.; Kovachov, S.; Sugak, D.; Popov, A.I. (JOURNAL OF NANO- AND ELECTRONIC PHYSICS, 2023)
    This study investigated the optical absorption and mechanical behavior of Gd3Ga5O12 (GGG) single crystals exposed to fast 84 Kr ions at fluences ranging from 1013 to 1014 ion/cm2. We observed that the optical absorption ...