Просмотр по теме "waste volume"

Просмотр по теме "waste volume"

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  • YERBAKHYT, Badyelgajy; KAPSALYAMOV, Bauyrzhan; SASPUGAYEVA, Gulnur; MUNKH-ERDENE, Amarjargal; TUSSUPOVA, Zhazgul (Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, 2023)
    The article presents information about the result of the experiment that determined the amount of tourist waste in the Altai Mountains of Kazakhstan and the Altai Mountains of Mongolia. During the pandemic, traveling to ...
  • YERBAKHYT, Badyelgajy; KAPSALYAMOV, Bauyrzhan; SASPUGAYEVA, Gulnur; MUNKH-ERDENE, Amarjargal; TUSSUPOVA, Zhazgul (Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, 2023)
    The article presents information about the result of the experiment that determined the amount of tourist waste in the Altai Mountains of Kazakhstan and the Altai Mountains of Mongolia. During the pandemic, traveling to ...