Просмотр по теме "waste water"

Просмотр по теме "waste water"

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  • Tulegenova, Symbat; Zhantokov, Bolatbek; Beisenova, Raikhan; Shyngysbayeva, Zhadyra; Dukenbayeva, Asiya; Rakhymzhan, Zhanar (Journal of Ecological Engineering, 2024)
    Currently, the pharmaceutical industry is one of the most developing and dynamic sectors of the global economy. Existing methods of wastewater treatment do not always allow the complete removal of pharmacological ...
  • Tulegenova, Symbat; Zhantokov, Bolatbek; Beisenova, Raikhan; Shyngysbayeva, Zhadyra; Dukenbayeva, Asiya; Rakhymzhan, Zhanar (Journal of Ecological Engineering, 2024)
    Currently, the pharmaceutical industry is one of the most developing and dynamic sectors of the global economy. Existing methods of wastewater treatment do not always allow the complete removal of pharmacological ...
  • Kussainova, B.M.; Tazhkenova, G.K.; Kazarinov, I.A. (L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University, 2020)
    The problem of creating and using sorption materials is relevant for the practice of modern chemistry, biotechnology, medicine and agriculture. Knowledge of the physical and chemical laws of the processes of carbonation, ...