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dc.contributor.author Дүйсен, Нұрсұлтан Бақтиярұлы
dc.date.accessioned 2023-11-29T11:50:54Z
dc.date.available 2023-11-29T11:50:54Z
dc.date.issued 2023-02-17
dc.identifier.isbn 978-601-337-860-2
dc.identifier.uri http://rep.enu.kz/handle/enu/10350
dc.description.abstract This article mainly tells the story of Falsafa, and also tells about the mentality of the Muslim worldview. The history of the development of falsafa includes the IX-XVI centuries. This is a special teaching that originates in the Arabian Peninsula and has had a significant impact on Western European culture. While Falsafa's goal was to revive the works of Plato and Aristotle, this task was carried out along the lines of the Muslim worldview and implemented through the Arabic language. The disputes and problems grouped around falsafa are not subsiding now. The article covered this issue accordingly. It was about the propaganda of ancient natural sciences by the Islamic Filasuf of the Middle Ages from the point of view of the Muslim worldview. The main question in the article is the definition of the specifics of falsafa and philosophy from the point of view of faith and knowledge. The main focus was on Western European philosophers and Muslim philosophers about religion. The article presents the views of such philosophers as Garifolla Yesim,A. A. Ignotenko, B. Ainabekov, S. Brabantsky, B. Russell, K. Armstrong, K. Jaspers, B. E. Bykhovsky. ru
dc.language.iso other ru
dc.publisher Евразийский национальный университет имени Л.Н. Гумилева ru
dc.subject Falsafa ru
dc.subject Muslim worldview ru
dc.subject Islam ru
dc.subject Arabic language ru
dc.subject scholasticism ru
dc.subject religion ru
dc.type Article ru

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