In this study the results of structural and morphological changes in Ni 12+ heavy ion irradiated BeO
ceramics are presented. Irradiation was carried out on DC-60 heavy ion accelerator using Ni 12+ ions
with an energy of 100 MeV with irradiation fluence of 10 13 -10 14 ions/cm 2
. It has been determined
that change in magnitude of atom displacements from lattice sites is exponential, which is conditioned
by defect overlap regions occurrence at fluence of 10 14 ions/cm 2
, followed by formation of a large
number of migrating defects in structure, leading to crystal structure distortion and deformation due to
chemical bonds rupture. In case of defect overlap areas generation, characteristic for irradiation fluences
of 5 × 10 13 - 10 14 ions/cm 2, amorphous inclusions formation of more than 5% was observed, that leads
to thermal conductivity decrease by (15-20)%.