Выпуск 2023 года

Выпуск 2023 года


Recent Submissions

  • Kubenova, M.M.; Balapanov, M.Kh.; Ishembetov, R.Kh.; Kuterbekov, K.A.; Almukhametov, R.F.; Bekmyrza, K.Zh.; Kabyshev, A.M.; Palymbetov, R.Sh.; Taimuratova, L.U. (2023)
    In this work, we investigated the effect of nanostructuring on the thermoelectric and thermal properties of nonstoichiometric solid splavs doped with copper sulfides with potassium. The synthesized alloys K0.01Cu1.96S , ...
  • Valiolda, D.S.; Janseitov, D.M.; Melezhik, V.S. (2023)
    We investigate the Coulomb breakup of the 11 Be halo nuclei on a light (carbon) target within nonperturbative time-dependent approach including the low-lying resonance 5/2+ of 11 Be (E= 1.232 MeV). We had found considerable ...
  • Akhmetova, A.S.; Ospanova, A.K.; Yussupbekova, B.N.; Alibay, T.T. (2023)
    The article presents a comprehensive review of the current research on the use of surfactants in CdTe nanoplatelet synthesis, including a discussion of the various types of surfactants that have been used and their effects ...
  • Nurakhmetov, T.N.; Alibay, T.T.; Bakhtizin, R.Z.; Pazylbek, S.; Kainarbay, A.Zh.; Zhunusbekov, A.M.; Sadykova, B.M.; Tolekov, D.A.; Shamieva, R.K.; Nurpeissov, A.S. (2023)
    The Na2SO4 − Dy samples were obtained by slow evaporation method. The spectroscopic methods were used to study the mechanisms of formation of electron and hole trapping centers. Intrinsic recombination emission of 2.9–3.1 ...
  • Zhomartova, A.Zh.; Bakirov, B.A.; Kichanov, S.E.; Zhumatayev, R.S.; Toleubayev, A.T.; Shakenov, S.; Kozlenko, D.P. (2023)
    The phase composition of several fragments of the ancient ceramic of the early medieval settlement of Asusay and burial ground Eleke Sazy in the modern Republic of Kazakhstan has been studied using neutron diffraction ...
  • Kubenova, M.M.; Kuterbekov, K.A.; Balapanov, M.Kh.; Ishembetov, R.Kh.; Akhmetgaliev, B.M.; Kabyshev, A.M.; Bekmyrza, K.Zh.; Zeleev, M.Kh.; Palymbetov, R.Sh.; Baikhozhaeva, B.U. (2023)
    The paper presents the results of the studies of thermal properties of nanocrystalline superionic NaxCu1.75S (x=0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 25) compositions, and preliminary results of Na0.1Cu1.75S using as energy stored cathode ...
  • Koketai, T.A.; Strelkova, A.V.; Zhunusbekov, A.M.; Karipbayev, Zh.T.; Lisitsyna, L.A.; Chakin, A.M. (2023)
    Ceramics based on alkaline earth metal fluorides activated by tungsten has been obtained by radiation synthesis. The synthesis was realized by direct action on the mixture with an activator of a powerful flow of high-energy ...
  • Nurakhmetov, T.N.; Alibay, T.T.; Pazylbek, S.; Zhunusbekov, A.M.; Sadykova, B.M.; Tolekov, D.A.; Shamieva, R.K.; Nurpeissov, A.S. (2023)
    The Na2SO4 samples were obtained by slow evaporation method. The mechanisms of the formation of electron and hole trapping centers are investigated by spectroscopic methods. Intrinsic recombination emission of 2.9–3.1 ...
  • Afroze, Sh.; Reza, Md S.; Somalu, M.R.; Azad, A.K. (2022)
    Fuel cell holds the promise of being environmentally friendly and becomes one of the alternatives for renewable energy. Solid acids have super–protonic behavior which allows them to become conductors. It can function at ...