In this article, the mausoleum of Hodja Ahmed
Yassawi was built in the Middle Ages by order of Temirlan.
He gave a short biography of a Turkic commander and ruler
who played a significant role in Central Asia, South and West
Asia and the Caucasus, Volga region of Russia. It is said that
Temirlan paid special attention to the dome and paid special
attention to its appearance during the construction. His first
proposed size was the diameter of the large dome of the
mausoleum. The purpose of the article is that the mausoleum
has not yet been fully explored and there is little information
about this mausoleum. In addition, the purpose of Temirlan's
ideas and criteria for the construction of this mausoleum is
presented. The khans who contributed to the preservation of
this mausoleum for many years and the stages of repair are