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Business, Management and Accounting: Недавние поступления

  • Makhmetova, Dana; Tlessova, Elvira; Nurkenova, Makpal; Auelbekova, Aigul; Issayeva, Bibigul (Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, 2023)
    In the context of modern trends in the greening of the economy, sustainable development, changes in the structure of agricultural production, and the situation that has developed in Kazakhstan with the accumulation, ...
  • Kenzhegaliyeva, Z.Z.; Shalbolova, U.Zh.; Silka, D.N. (European Research Studies Journal, 2018)
    This paper considers the issues of assessment of the current state and development trends of housing and communal services in the Western region of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The conducted studies justify the effectiveness ...
  • Gabdullina, Lazzat; Кirdasinova, Кasiya; Amanbayeva, Assemgul; Zeinullina, Aigul; Tlessova, Elvira; Azylkanova, Saule А. (Uncertain Supply Chain Management, 2020)
    Logistics system is one of the basic concepts of effective supply chain management. In the Republic of Kazakhstan, all types of public transport constitute a single transport system (ETS), which includes railway, river, ...
  • Igaliyeva, Laura; Niyazbekova, Shakizada; Serikova, Madina; Kenzhegaliyeva, Zita; Mussirov, Galym; Zueva, Anna; Tyurina, Yuliya; Maisigova, Leila (Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues, 2020-06)
    The article is devoted to the features and problems of the formation of economic mechanism for ensuring environmental safety via energy efficiency in the process sustainable development at the regional level. The focus on ...
  • Tleuberdinova, Aizhan; Shayekina, Zhanat; Salauatova, Dinara; Amerkhanova, Altyn; Ramashova, Aissulu (Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues, 2019-12)
    This article is devoted to the problem of stimulating the entrepreneurial activity of the population, contributing to the development of the country's economy through new goods and services formation, as well as the ...
  • Bakanova, A.; Letov, N.E.; Kaibassova, D.; Kuzmin, K.S.; Loginov, K.V.; Shikov, A.N. (International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 2019-09)
    The article discusses the method of using ontologies for developing a mobile application of the corporate e-learning system in the process of adaptation of companies’ new employees. The problems of shortening the period ...
  • Uandykova, Mafura; Lisin, Anton; Stepanova, Diana; Baitenova, Laura; Mutaliyeva, Lyailya; Yuksel, Serhat; Dincer, Hasan (Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues, 2020-12)
    This article aims to analyze the relationship between the threat of ransomware and new effective counteraction principles for law enforcement agencies to utilize. Moreover, it contemplates on how specific behavior of persons ...
  • Nichkasova, Yuliya O.; Nezhinsky, Eduard; Shmarlouskaya, Halina A. (Economy of Regions, 2022)
    Kazakhstan's financial market has always been the focus of the government attention as an important element of country development. Therefore, the main goal is to build a well-developed, competitive and trustworthy financial ...
  • Berdibekov, Dauren; Lashkareva, Olga; Maidyrova, Aigul (Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, 2023)
    This article aims to examine the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the tourism industry in the Republic of Kazakhstan, which has been identified as a particularly vulnerable sector. The paper, in which Pearson correlation ...
  • Mikhailova, Tatyana; Duisekova, Kulyash; Orazakynkyzy, Farida; Beysembaeva, Gulshat; Issabekova, Saule (World Journal on Educational Technology: Current Issues, 2021-04)
    The purpose of the study is to determine the evaluation of the Intercultural Professional-Technology based communication Based Communicative Competence Formation of Students. Overall 22 respondents of the 2nd year at a ...
  • Bekbayeva, Lyazzat; Negim, El-Sayed; Niyazbekova, Rimma; Kaliyeva, Zhanar; Yeligbayeva, Gulzhakhan; Khatib, J. (International Journal of Technology, 2022)
    This paper reports a study on producing admixtures from chitosan (Ch) obtained from shrimp shell treatment. The admixtures (Ch-g-AA) were based on chitosan (Ch) and acrylic acid (AA) in the following composition ratios: ...
  • Tulembayev, Alizhan; Adilova, Aliya; Serikbekuly, Askhat; Seidaliyeva, Dina; Shildibekov, Yerlan (Problems and Perspectives in Management, 2020-08-27)
    Nowadays, leading world companies widely use methodology, standards, and project management tools in many areas of project-oriented activities, including investment, innovation, and information projects. Last years the ...
  • Bakyt Bayadilova, Bakyt; Nassyrkhanov, Arsen; Tlessova, Elvira; Parimbekova, Lyazzat; Tolymgozhinova, Maigul; Kuangaliyeva, Tursynzada (Quality Innovation Prosperity, 2020)
    Purpose: The development of an innovative economy is constrained by the problems of science funding, modernization of scientific institutions and innovative training of specialists. This article focuses on the problem of ...
  • YERBAKHYT, Badyelgajy; KAPSALYAMOV, Bauyrzhan; SASPUGAYEVA, Gulnur; MUNKH-ERDENE, Amarjargal; TUSSUPOVA, Zhazgul (Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, 2023)
    The article presents information about the result of the experiment that determined the amount of tourist waste in the Altai Mountains of Kazakhstan and the Altai Mountains of Mongolia. During the pandemic, traveling to ...
  • Jantassova, Damira; Hockley, Andrew David; Shebalina, Olga; Akhmetova, Dinara (TEM Journal, 2023-02)
    This article discusses the project on capacity building for training of engineering and technical specialists via STEAM technologies at the Saginov Karaganda Technical University (STU) in Kazakhstan. The project, ...
  • Serikova, Madina; Sembiyeva, Lyazzat; Balginova, Kuralay; Alina, Gulzhan; Shakharova, Aliya; Kurmanalina, Anar (Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues, 2020)
    The forecast model analysis of dependence of tax revenues of the state budget on macroeconomic indicators is presented. For example, the hypothesis of the impact of total retail trade on domestic taxes on goods, works and ...
  • Nishanbayeva, Sabira; Kolumbayeva, Sholpan; Satynskaya, Aisulu; Zhiyenbayeva, Saira; Seiitkazy, Perizat; Kalbergenova, Sholpan (World Journal on Educational Technology: Current Issues, 2021)
    In this article, we examine the instructional theoretical work on the formation of family-moral values of students, conduct experimental work on a small experimental site and consider its concrete results. Methods were ...
  • Sarsembayev, Marat Aldangorovich; Karazhan, Bekmyrza Serikovich; Yelegen, Akerke Yerkinkyzy (Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2023-07)
    The digitalization of exports is becoming increasingly important in today's globalized economy, particularly in the automotive industry. This study identified legal barriers to the digitization of electric vehicle (EV) ...
  • Kamenova, Mazken; Zhanteleuova, Gulden; Maidankyzy, Bayan; Lesbayeva, Gulnara; Amirova, Maral; Shulenbayeva, Faya (Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, 2023)
    In recent years, social investment has become a tool for solving economic problems, improving the level and quality of life of the population, increasing life expectancy, leading to conditions for creating new environmentally ...
  • Beisembina, Saltanat; Beisenbi, Mamyrbek; Kissikova, Nurgul; Shukirova, Aliya (Management and Production Engineering Review, 2023-12)
    The purpose of the article is to create a concise nonlinear mathematical model for analyzing the growth of fixed assets in a specific industry. The emergence of chaotic behaviour in economic systems was explored, focusing ...

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