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Induced Spirals in Polyethylene Terephthalate Films Irradiated with Ar Ions with an Energy of 70 MeV

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dc.contributor.author Tuleushev, Adil Z.
dc.contributor.author Zdorovets, Maxim V.
dc.contributor.author Kozlovskiy, Artem L.
dc.contributor.author Harrison, Fiona Erica
dc.date.accessioned 2024-09-20T05:26:53Z
dc.date.available 2024-09-20T05:26:53Z
dc.date.issued 2020
dc.identifier.issn 2073-4352
dc.identifier.other doi:10.3390/cryst10060427
dc.identifier.uri http://rep.enu.kz/handle/enu/16717
dc.description.abstract This paper presents the results of a study of the ordering in polyethylene terephthalate (PET) film induced by Ar8+ ions with an irradiation fluence of 2 × 1012 ions/cm2 , and of the temporal stability of the induced ordering in the irradiated sample, over a three month period. Immediately after irradiation, sharp new reflections not seen at lower fluences were observed in X-ray diffraction patterns, with angular positions of 2 θ = 9–10◦ and 19◦ and variable azimuthal intensities. X-ray reflections, previously observed at lower fluences, were also seen: at 2 θ = 26◦ and 23◦ , associated with PET crystallites, and at 2 θ = 5–12◦ , associated with induced ordering in the amorphous zone. Aging of the irradiated sample led to significant growth of the ordering region in the amorphous zone for angles up to 2 θ < 15◦ , as well as to dissipation and blurring of the new diffraction reflections at 2 θ = 9–10◦ and 2 θ = 19◦ and the formation of a new diffraction ring reflection in the range 2 θ = 11–16◦ . The azimuthal distribution of diffraction reflection intensities immediately after irradiation displays a clear oblique cross located predominantly along lines at angles of π/4 with respect to the direction of the texture of the PET film, indicating the formation of spiral structures based on the molecular strands of PET. Our experimental results lead us to conclude that the formation of coherent scattering areas in the amorphous region at 2 θ < 15◦ is due to intra-chain rotations of benzene-carboxyl subunits of repeat units of the PET chain molecules interacting with the residual electric field of a single latent track; whereas the formation of spiral structures is due to the inter-chain interaction of these preordered asymmetric subunits under the influence of the electric fields from overlapping latent tracks ru
dc.language.iso en ru
dc.publisher Crystals ru
dc.relation.ispartofseries Volume 10 Issue 6;
dc.subject polyethylene terephthalate ru
dc.subject latent tracks of heavy ions ru
dc.subject irradiation-induced spirals ru
dc.subject intra-chain and inter-chain ordering ru
dc.title Induced Spirals in Polyethylene Terephthalate Films Irradiated with Ar Ions with an Energy of 70 MeV ru
dc.type Article ru

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