Railway between China and EU - challenges for Transport Police

Показать сокращенную информацию TICAL, George GRAJDEANU, Lucian 2024-10-01T12:43:54Z 2024-10-01T12:43:54Z 2020
dc.identifier.issn 2285-0171
dc.description.abstract This article aims to create awareness about the challenges related to the improved rail connection, both in terms of travel time and reliability, between China and Europe that Transport Police have to face in terms of criminality. The number of freight trains and the volume of loads transported from Asia to Europe are growing continuously, generating risks for the security of the European Union member states produced by the criminal groups or individuals looking to seize the chance to smuggle illicit commodities. Addressed not only to the law enforcement agencies, but in the same time to the railway companies and their employees, this editorial is intended to raise a question mark in the context of feeble balance of economic interest in report with the needs for security - from social, financial and health point of view - of the European Union member states. ru
dc.language.iso en ru
dc.publisher Acta Universitatis George Bacovia ru
dc.relation.ispartofseries Volume 9;
dc.subject railway ru
dc.subject railway infrastructure ru
dc.subject criminality ru
dc.subject smuggling ru
dc.subject transport police ru
dc.title Railway between China and EU - challenges for Transport Police ru
dc.type Article ru

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