Sacral values as a phenomenon of Kazakhstan spiritual heritage

Показать сокращенную информацию Askhat, Amen Raimkulova, Aktoty Doszhan, Raikhan Sarkulova, Manifa Auyelbekova, Akmarzhan 2024-11-18T09:36:00Z 2024-11-18T09:36:00Z 2020
dc.identifier.issn 13378384
dc.identifier.other DOI: 10.18355/XL.2020.13.03.15
dc.description.abstract The interest in the sacred problem, clearly felt throughout the centuries, was caused by those socio-historical processes called social disasters, which raised the question of the very possibility of the existence of modern man. In the modern century, the process of destroying the fundamental foundations of traditional life, the growth of an ever-deeper feeling of losing a person’s sense of stable, guaranteed being, became clearly apparent. Similar processes took place in Kazakhstan, in the history of which, over the centuries, the events of the beginning and the end of the century are surprisingly synchronized when it comes to their impact. The essence of these events was a sharp demolition of the integrity of the way of life and the transition to new foundations of being. The relevance of our study is determined, on the one hand, by the realities of the modern state of society, the intensity of experiencing the deep needs of its development, and, on the other, by the state and logic of the development of historical, cultural, philosophical and religious knowledge. As for the first aspect, it is determined, firstly, by the systemic crisis experienced by civilization, the essential feature of which is the destruction of the fundamental foundations of traditional life, the growing sensation of loss of the person’s lasting guaranteed existence. This caused the rapid development of new anthropological concepts that seek to comprehend the “position of man in space,” the main ways of its constitution, and the main directions of socio-cultural determination. Secondly, the complexity of the transitional processes of the modern world, the dramatic tension in the atmosphere of spiritual life. The essence of this period is rooted in a radical and fast-paced change of the whole lifestyle. ru
dc.language.iso en ru
dc.publisher XLinguae ru
dc.relation.ispartofseries Том 13, Выпуск 3, Страницы 185 - 193;
dc.subject Sacral values ru
dc.subject Spiritual heritage ru
dc.subject Spiritual phenomenon ru
dc.title Sacral values as a phenomenon of Kazakhstan spiritual heritage ru
dc.type Article ru

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