Structural and functional types of lexical units, their expressiveness

Show simple item record Duisekova, Kulyash Issabekova, Saule Zagidullina, Aliya Beysembayeva, Gulshat Bakitov, Aitkali Ziak, Peter 2024-11-19T05:07:27Z 2024-11-19T05:07:27Z 2021
dc.identifier.issn 2453-711X
dc.identifier.other DOI: 10.18355/XL.2021.14.04.17
dc.description.abstract At the present stage of development of linguistic science and in context of global trends towards constant cooperation in various fields and spheres of activity, there is a need for comparative typological studies aimed at a comprehensive and large-scale study of various linguistic categories. First of all, this is explained by the fact that it is in these categories, as in a mirror, that the peculiarities of the mentality, history and secular culture of the speakers of a particular language are reflected. The object of language sciences consists of two series of phenomena: on the one hand, it is made up of everything that is inherent in human language, that is to say language as such in its relation to thought and to reality; on the other hand, we are talking about the specifics and the variety of properties and categories of each language compared to another. Researchers' attention has largely shifted from the question of how the language of speakers of a particular language works. Research plays an important role in the study of the specificities of the nominative means of the language. Contrastive linguistics has the great advantage that the practical areas of its application are clearly visible. These are mainly the methodology and methodology of foreign language teaching, bilingual lexicography, theory and practice of translation. ru
dc.language.iso en ru
dc.publisher XLinguae ru
dc.relation.ispartofseries Volume 14 Issue 4;
dc.subject structural and functional types ru
dc.subject phraseological units ru
dc.subject French ru
dc.subject expressiveness ru
dc.title Structural and functional types of lexical units, their expressiveness ru
dc.title.alternative Types structurels et fonctionnels des unités lexicales, leur expressivite ru
dc.type Article ru

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