The Problems of the Mythological Personages in the Ancient Turkic Literature

Show simple item record Zhanar, Abdibek Aimukhambet, Zhanat Abylkhamitkyzy, Rysgul Abdimomynov, Nurtas 2024-11-20T07:05:30Z 2024-11-20T07:05:30Z 2015
dc.identifier.issn 1911-2025
dc.identifier.other doi:10.5539/ass.v11n7p341
dc.description.abstract The article deals with the problems of mythological personages in literature and culture of the Turkic peoples. It is known that the tribes of Turkic ancient epochs formed the nomad culture. And the basic core of this culture was the mythology. Since ancient times, the Turkic state called themselves “people chosen by God”, as it was evidenced by the information from the ancient runic writings. In the Yenisei runic it was called a state. This ancient mythological cycle is an integral part of the public cult of the Turk Empire. Descendants of “Kokturk” that first led a nomadic life, settled along the endless expanses from Mongolia to Europe, interacting with many nations, interpenetrating in a different environment, adopting their culture; some of them got accustomed to a sedentary lifestyle. Turkic tribes, known in history books under the general title ‘the Turk Khanate’, later began to found their own state and form their own history and literature. In the process of investigation the authors revealed their scientific viewpoints and hypotheses, compared and generalized them. ru
dc.language.iso en ru
dc.publisher Asian Social Science ru
dc.relation.ispartofseries Vol. 11, No. 7;
dc.subject the ancient Turkic literature ru
dc.subject mythological personages ru
dc.subject Orkhon manuscripts ru
dc.subject Nomad culture ru
dc.subject Kokbory ru
dc.title The Problems of the Mythological Personages in the Ancient Turkic Literature ru
dc.type Article ru

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