In the multifaceted social life of modern France, the concept
(phenomenon?) Of “secularism” - “Laicité” belongs among the most
essential topics discussed today. It represents one of the fundamental values
of the country, emphasized by the standards of multiculturalism in the era of
integration in the information space while facing the changing nature of the
national geopolitics of countries in the modern world. Besides the traditional
“ideals of democracy” and “human rights,” the so-called “Laicité” is in
complex, sometimes conflicting relationships in between. If earlier the
concept of “secularism” or “Laicité” was the subject of discussion and
research primarily by historians and politicians, then the global processes
described above have led to the fact that it goes beyond the scientific
framework and receives broad resonance in the mass media as a relevant
topic of public debate. The article identifies current axiological verbal
accents that have changed dynamically more than once over a relatively short
historical period, or, on the contrary, despite all the changes in the social
system of values, ontologically unshakable spiritual and moral supports of
man were found. The authors do this within the framework of the problem of
representing “Secularism” in France’s newspaper discourse, highlighting the
facts of everyday life of French society through the media on this issue.