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Psychology: Недавние поступления

  • Adilova, Elnur; Aimaganbetova, Olga; Kassymova, Laura; Sadvakassova, Zuhra; Ryskulova, Madina; Sagnayeva, Tolkyn (The Open Psychology Journal, 2021)
    Background & Objective: Values are a good indicator for tracking social and individual changes due to historical, social and personal events. Therefore, it is important to explore the values of modern Kazakhstanis and ...
  • Gobbo, Federico; Marácz, László (Social Inclusion, 2021)
    New forms of mobility presuppose a technological factor that frames it as ‘topological proximity,’ regardless of the nature of the mobile agent (human being, robot ware, animal, virus, digital object). The appeal of the ...
  • Akkaliyeva, Aizhan; Abdykhanova, Baktigul; Meirambekova, Lyazat; Jambayeva, Zhanar; Tussupbekova, Galiya (Social Inclusion, 2021)
    The linguistic trinity policy, which has been implemented in Kazakhstan since its independence in the 1990s, is aimed at integrating translation into global processes. Kazakh-Russian bilingualism, caused by the historical ...
  • Valieva, Fatima; Sagimbayeva, Jannat; Kurmanayeva, Dina; Tazhitova, Gulzhakhan (Education Sciences, 2019)
    This article examines different aspects of the oralman students’ socio-linguistic adaptation. Scientific research has identified various obstacles oralmen face when studying at Universities in Kazakhstan, especially in ...
  • Kochkorbayeva, Elmira; Abdyrov, Aitzhan; Mutaliyeva, Ardak; Muratova, Gulzhan; Koxegen, Aliya (International Journal of Education and Practice, 2024)
    This study aimed to identify the impact role of providing training to future teachers with acmeological approach on leading to the personal and professional growth, which is relevant and valuable for providers and clients ...
  • Nuradinov, S. Almat; Mambetаlina S., Aliya; Utaliyeva, T. Zhanna; Davletkaliyeva, S. Gulmira (The Open Psychology Journal, 2023)
    Background: The present article deals with the results of research on the psychological diagnosis of social intelligence and its connection with general intelligence. Methods: The analysis of the relationship between ...
  • Csata, Zsombor; Marácz, László (Social Inclusion, 2021)
    Multilingual or linguistically heterogeneous societies are increasing around the globe. Socio-political processes, like Europeanization and globalization, are responsible for this expansion. Universal norms and standards ...
  • Baizhumanova, Bibianar; Berdibayeva, Sveta; Arzymbetova, Sholpan; Garber, Alena; Duanayeva, Sandugash; Kulzhabayeva, Lyazzat (The Open Psychology Journal, 2024)
    Background and Objective: This article addresses the topic of “psychological health”, an independent concept that is not a synonym for “mental health”. The term “psychological health” is considered a set of mental properties ...
  • Nagymzhanova, Karakat M.; Aykenova, Ryskeldy A.; Baikhozhaeva, Bakhytkul U.; Suguralieva, Aliya M.; Vlasova, Nina V. (Journal of Intellectual Disability, 2020)
    Objective: The problem of creating effective labour productivity is relevant for public and private sector organisations due to market volatility and determines important in addition to the introduction of optimal tools ...
  • Olsson, Maria I. T.; Grootel, Sanne van; Block, Katharina; Schuster, Carolin; Meeussen, Loes; Van Laar, Colette; Schmader, Toni; Croft, Alyssa; Sun, Molly Shuyi; Ainsaar, Mare (Political Psychology, 2023)
    Despite global commitments and efforts, a gender-based division of paid and unpaid work persists. To identify how psychological factors, national policies, and the broader sociocultural context contribute to this inequality, ...
  • Otarbayeva, Zhansaya; Baizhumanova, Bibianar; Tuyakova, Ulbossyn; Mambetalina, Aliya; Umirzakova, Assem; Kulzhabayeva, Lyazzat (Frontiers in Education, 2023)
    The purpose of this paper is to quantify the factors that disrupt the mental health of kindergarten (KG) teachers. For this, the researchers conducted an electronic survey of preschool teachers (n = 587) on a popular ...
  • Zhumay, Nurmira; Tazhibayeva, Saule; Shaldarbekova, Azhar; Jabasheva, Botagoz; Naimanbay, Ainur; Sandybayeva, Aigul (Social Inclusion, 2021)
    The article is devoted to the problem of multilingual education in modern Kazakhstan. Currently, Kazakhstan is fully modernising the education system and introducing a multilingualism policy in the educational process. ...
  • Tlepbergen, Dinara; Akzhigitova, Assel; Zabrodskaja, Anastassia (Education Sciences, 2022)
    In the current times of rapid technological progress, the development of quality education and encouragement of educated youth are extremely important. For this reason, a number of state projects and programs were developed ...
  • Tuyakova, Ulbossyn; Baizhumanova, Bibianar; Mustapaeva, Talshyn; Alekeshova, Lyazzat; Otarbaeva, Zhansaya (Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 2022)
    Emotional intelligence is a relatively new concept. Hence, it appears crucial to investigate its short-term and long-term effect on educational process. The primary aim of this study is to identify how teaching emotional ...
  • Utegenova, Meruyert; Sholpankulova, Gulnar; Shavaliyeva, Zulfiya; Zhmailo, Tatyana; Yerepbayev, Nurlan (Journal of Education and e-Learning Research, 2023)
    The objective of this study is to assess the efficacy of a comprehensive strategy for developing the professional abilities of social educators. Additionally, it seeks to identify the problems encountered by high schools ...
  • Sarbassova, Gulzat; Kudaibergenova, Aliya; Madaliyeva, Zabira; Kassen, Gulmira; Sadvakassova, Zukhra; Ramazanova, Samal; Ryskulova, Madina (Current Psychology, 2024)
    The study concerns the question of how much the emotional competence and the ability to cope with problems in one’s own personality increase in the process of professional psychological education, for which students of ...
  • Tuyakova, Ulbossyn; Baizhumanova, Bibianar; Mustapaeva, Talshyn; Alekeshova, Lyazzat; Otarbaeva, Zhansaya (HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES COMMUNICATIONS, 2022)
    Emotional intelligence is a relatively new concept. Hence, it appears crucial to investigate its short-term and long-term effect on educational process. The primary aim of this study is to identify how teaching emotional ...
  • Ismailova, Gulnara; Mamanova, Alma; Aypova, Gulbarshyn; Begaliyeva, Nurgul; Konyrbayeva, Sarash; Sultanbek, Malik (International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education, 2020)
    Education has a great share in the development of a country. Countries that invest in education are developing in all respects. There are many factors that affect education, but the most important of them is the teacher. ...
  • Mambetalina, Aliya; Nurkeshov, Timur; Satanov, Arstan; Karkulova, Aigul; Nurtazanov, Erkulan (Frontiers in Education, 2023)
    The paper was intended to develop a new methodological system and test its impact on the development of motivation and giftedness among children. The experiment was conducted among 1,200 children from grades 3, 7, and ...
  • Bayekeyeva, Ainur; Tazhibayeva, Saule; Beisenova, Zhainagul; Shaheen, Aigul; Bayekeyeva, Aisaule (Social Inclusion, 2021)
    This article discusses the practical issues of compiling controlled multilingual thesauri for the purposes of industry-specific translation (IST). In the multilingual, transnational and globally connected Kazakhstan, IST ...

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