Enhancing LAN Failure Predictions with Decision Trees and SVMs: Methodology and Implementation

Show simple item record Rzayeva, Leila Myrzatay, Ali Abitova, Gulnara Sarinova, Assiya Kulniyazova, Korlan Saoud, Bilal Shayea, Ibraheem 2024-11-25T09:58:29Z 2024-11-25T09:58:29Z 2023
dc.identifier.citation Rzayeva, L.; Myrzatay, A.; Abitova, G.; Sarinova, A.; Kulniyazova, K.; Saoud, B.; Shayea, I. Enhancing LAN Failure Predictions with Decision Trees and SVMs: Methodology and Implementation. Electronics 2023, 12, 3950. https:// ru
dc.identifier.issn 1754-1786
dc.description.abstract Predicting Local Area Network (LAN) equipment failure is of utmost importance to ensure the uninterrupted operation of modern communication networks. This study explores the use of machine learning algorithms to enhance the accuracy of equipment failure prediction in LAN environments. Using these algorithms to enhance LAN failure predictions involves collecting and analyzing network data, such as packet loss rates and latency, to identify patterns and anomalies. These algorithms can then predict potential LAN failures by recognizing early warning signs and deviations from normal network behavior. By leveraging machine learning, network administrators can proactively address issues, reduce downtime, and improve overall network reliability. In our study, two powerful machine learning algorithms—decision tree and support vector machine (SVM)—are used. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed models, a comprehensive dataset comprising various LAN equipment parameters and corresponding failure instances is utilized. The dataset is pre-processed to handle missing values and normalize features, ensuring the algorithms’ optimal performance. Performance metrics, such as accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score, are employed to assess the predictive capabilities of the models. The excremental results of our study lead to more reliable and stable network operations by allowing early detection of potential issues and preventive maintenance. This leads to reduced downtime, improved network performance, and enhanced overall user satisfaction. They demonstrate the efficacy of both decision tree and SVM algorithms in accurately predicting LAN equipment failure. ru
dc.language.iso en ru
dc.publisher Electronics ru
dc.relation.ispartofseries 12, 3950;
dc.subject machine learning methods ru
dc.subject random forest ru
dc.subject decision tree ru
dc.subject SVM ru
dc.subject SVC ru
dc.subject LAN ru
dc.subject failure prediction ru
dc.subject Cisco switches ru
dc.title Enhancing LAN Failure Predictions with Decision Trees and SVMs: Methodology and Implementation ru
dc.type Article ru

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