Study of geotechnical conditions of the city of Pavlodar

Show simple item record Alibekova, N.T. Abisheva, A. Aldungarova, A.K. Mimura, M. 2024-12-05T09:34:11Z 2024-12-05T09:34:11Z 2023
dc.identifier.isbn 978-1-003-29912-7
dc.identifier.other DOI: 10.1201/9781003299127-61
dc.description.abstract Pavlodar is one of the main industrial regions of Kazakhstan, with a historically formed territorial and production complex, which is an important part of the national wealth of our country. Increasing volumes of construction of all forms of ownership of this city predetermine further increase of engineering design and survey works. However long-term observations show that technogenic impacts of buildings and structures on the geological environment cause changes in it is elements, which are manifested in the development and activation of such engineering and geological processes as erosion and destruction of the coastal slope, gullying, waterlogging and salinization of soil. Therefore, in order to minimize the damage caused by these processes, it is necessary to develop in a timely development scientifically based urban and architectural planning solutions, where the task of generalizing the results of the current engineering and geological surveys with the purpose of typing geotechnical conditions of the city. The presence of the typing will allow to carry out a more rational study, identification of features and assessment of geotechnical conditions for such issues as, reduction of engineering and geological surveys, increase of economic efficiency. The article considers questions of typification of engineering and geological conditions of the city territory, as the main factor is studied geological structure. An analysis of the physical and mechanical properties of the soils with the study of strength and deformation characteristics of the soils located in the territory of the city of Pavlodar was also performed.Pavlodar is one of the main industrial regions of Kazakhstan, with a historically formed territorial and production complex, which is an important part of the national wealth of our country. Increasing volumes of construction of all forms of ownership of this city predetermine further increase of engineering design and survey works. However long-term observations show that technogenic impacts of buildings and structures on the geological environment cause changes in it is elements, which are manifested in the development and activation of such engineering and geological processes as erosion and destruction of the coastal slope, gullying, waterlogging and salinization of soil. Therefore, in order to minimize the damage caused by these processes, it is necessary to develop in a timely development scientifically based urban and architectural planning solutions, where the task of generalizing the results of the current engineering and geological surveys with the purpose of typing geotechnical conditions of the city. The presence of the typing will allow to carry out a more rational study, identification of features and assessment of geotechnical conditions for such issues as, reduction of engineering and geological surveys, increase of economic efficiency. The article considers questions of typification of engineering and geological conditions of the city territory, as the main factor is studied geological structure. An analysis of the physical and mechanical properties of the soils with the study of strength and deformation characteristics of the soils located in the territory of the city of Pavlodar was also performed. ru
dc.language.iso en ru
dc.publisher Smart Geotechnics for Smart Societies ru
dc.title Study of geotechnical conditions of the city of Pavlodar ru
dc.type Article ru

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